ECHO Reporting Schema Released (September 2024)

We are thrilled to announce the publication of the V1.0 ECHO Schema Fields and Descriptions (Excel) and the accompanying white paper, An Introduction to the ECHO Reporting Schema.

In 2023, ECHO project members recognized the need for a consistent approach to reporting whole project life cycle assessment (LCA) results. To address this, a dedicated working group analyzed existing frameworks, LCA standards, and database structures, leading to the creation of the ECHO Schema V1.0. This first version aligns LCA reporting fields across North American geographies and platforms, filling gaps where no alignment previously existed.

The ECHO Schema is designed to streamline data reporting, reduce inconsistencies, and support seamless data exchange across various LCA tools, platforms, and databases. By adopting a common language and structure for reporting project-level LCA results, we are taking a significant step towards more consistent and comparable LCA reporting. A JSON version of the schema with implementation guidance is in progress and will be published at a later date.

As the industry evolves, the ECHO Schema will be continuously refined and expanded, supporting ongoing efforts to benchmark and reduce the life cycle impacts of construction projects.

For feedback, questions, or suggestions on improving the schema, please reach out to: 

The ECHO Reporting Schema V1.0 is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You can freely use, modify, and distribute the schema in compliance with the terms of the license. For more information, visit the Apache License 2.0 page."